Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

I think that the problem that I have sometimes is focusing on the grades rather than what I have actually learned in the class. Grades do not reflect how much you know, rather by the knowledge that you gained from the class. Something that I do is that I do try to get out of my comfort zone and try new things, sometimes I do try to back out, but I make sure that I still go through with it. Having friends with you helps, but so does going by yourself and just making new friends. Sticking to the comfort zone does not help you grow as a person, going out and trying new things does. Plus who knows, you might actually like it or make really good friends because you decided to try it. In high school I joined stagecraft. I used to do plays and dances when I was little but I stopped as I grew older. I wanted to try it again and I did. Turns out that because of it I made new friends that I probably would not have had I not joined the class. New things are scary but they are worth it in the end, and if not you had an experience and a story because of it.
Exploring: Expedition Audio 


  1. I can definitely relate to this post! Especially as a freshman, I concerned myself so much with studying to achieve a grade and not necessarily to learn the material. The ways I used to study weren't conducive at all to truly connecting with the information I was being taught and I realize now that I'm out of those classes that I don't remember much or feel like I didn't get anything out of them.

    I also agree that it's important to step out of your comfort zone. I've tried to challenge myself to speak up in all of my classes at least once per class period. Obviously it hasn't been working perfectly, but in trying to contribute to class discussion and take an active part in my own learning, I'm learning much more!

  2. I agree with so much that you say here. It really took me a long time to learn that for many of my classes I wasn't really learning the material - I was just learning how to regurgitate it and that's come back to bite when I have classes that carry on material from a class before them. It's really important to actually try to learn from your classes because then you can actually apply it as you go forward in life.

  3. I too have found myself guilty of caring more about my grade in a class than actually learning about it. Often times, it’s hard to truly enjoy a course due to all of the competition to get a good grade. We often times will lose sight of what the course is actually trying to teach us. That is why I love this course. It has really opened my eyes to many new and interesting things about the culture of India. I hope you will be able to once again continue to dance and participate in plays as you were once able to.

  4. I feel like the problem of focusing on grades rather than what we are actually learning is a fatal flaw of the western education system. We teach students usually to study for the grade they want/need, not to study so that they better understand the material. It sucks for people who are really bad test takers but do actually know the material.
